Friday, December 10, 2010

Adelle's treasure from her Great Grandma!

My Grandmother I've spoke of on here before, she is an exquisite lady, with such kindness and thoughtfulness, I feel honored to have such a Grandmother.

All of my children have been Blessed with a wonderful treasure made with love by their great Grandmother. It is so neat that even with the shear volume of kids that my sister and I have, she has always taken the time to handmake a beautiful quilt for each one. No two are alike but all are beautiful.  

Adelle got a beautiful patch quilt with sweet little animals stitched on it

every time I have layed or covered my babies with these blankets I am reminded of the wonderful lady who made them

I can't wait to tell my grandkids about the "Great grandma blankets" as I wrap or cover them in them as well

each beautiful blanket will be safely stored for their children to treasure as well

Adelle definitely approves

this is also the really cute outfit she sent also, it has a under onsie that says "apple of Mommy's eye" and a little bib that matches.

Also if you remember back to my "box from Grandma" blog we got a really cool pocket potholder that I said I feared I would never see because the kids loved it. Well no fear thanks to my Grandmother we now have enough to share :)  - Alysabelle walks around with a potholder pocket complete with a  pacifier tucked inside. so cute!!   A very special Thank you to my Grandma Joanne Ridge for being a lovely lady both inside and out.


  1. What a beautiful legacy!! I want to do that with my own kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, etc.

    And, I love the pocket pot-holders. What a good idea.

  2. I think so, I know your kids will treasure them. I loved your coffee filter wreath!
